线上线下争相布局 群雄逐鹿分羹西部自驾游市场

全社通旅游系统 旅游网站建设 发布时间:2017-07-26


公安部交管局数据显示,截至2016 年底,全国汽车保有量为1.94 亿量,汽车驾驶人超过3.1 亿人。根据中国旅游车船协会的数据显示,2015 年国内自驾游游客达到23.4 亿人次,如今正在向30亿人次的大关大踏步迈进。


一些自驾游圈内人士告诉记者,目前200 公里左右的“周边自驾游市场”在整个自驾游市场上占据着绝对主力。而除了周末自驾游,国内自驾游市场关注的热点区域之一是幅员辽阔的大西部。


一些企业也把目光聚焦在了这些制约因素上,希望打破瓶颈,取得西部自驾游市场的先发优势。一个典型的案例就是,在今年7 月,原本做租车起家的“ 悟空租车”升级转型为“悟空自驾游”,宣称打造自驾游的产业服务平台,并落地西部旅游大省云南。目前,悟空自驾游项目仅云南省的总投资规划即达到约20 亿元,而这笔巨资,很大一部分是投入在车辆供给以及线下租还车网点的布局上面。相关负责人透露,悟空自驾游在云南的项目,预计将投入约1 万辆车,将云南省16 个地州、13 个机场、火车站、高铁站、交通枢纽、酒店、旅游景区、自驾游营地等旅游目的地、服务点和连接点打通。业内人士指出,云南等一些西部省份,已将吸引自驾游客人作为旅游转型升级和发展全域旅游的敲门砖之一,并在近年来加速上马自驾车营地建设项目。





自驾游的方式多样,自驾游的“市场玩家”更多样。快客王自驾汽车俱乐部领队吴春林估计,仅在北京地区较为活跃的自驾车俱乐部、自驾游公司就有数百家。众多的汽车自驾俱乐部、全国连锁的大型租车公司、传统旅行社、OTA(在线旅游平台)巨头,甚至各城市分散的一些中小型的汽车租赁公司、AA 制的车友会以及如悟空自驾游这样的从租车公司升级而来“自驾游服务平台”,都试图在自驾游市场中分得一杯羹,或者积极提升自己的生存空间,赢取更多商机。








在西部自驾游市场,汽车俱乐部、各大汽车论坛版主组织的车友会等瓜分了很大一片江湖。然而,途牛旅游网副总裁王树柏认为,在旅游市场持续红火、汽车保有量快速增长、交通基础设施突飞猛进以及国家对自驾旅游消费持越来越积极态度的情况下,自驾游市场进入了前所未有的需求释放期和供给创新期。如何攻占这一片“蓝海”,促进自驾游市场进一步发展,更成为目前在线旅游市场竞争的一大焦点所在,对此,途牛也积极进行了布局。为助力西部自驾游的进一步发展,在今年6 月,途牛还与西宁市人民政府共同主办了第二届中国西部自驾游产业发展论坛。





“从目前来看,国内跟队自驾很大程度上还处于碎片化状态,一些俱乐部的产品开发和服务能力相对较低,市场呈现供不应求、质量参差不齐的状态。”王树柏表示,针对行业痛点,途牛于2014 年10 月上线了“跟队自驾”频道,专注提升客人出游体验。与俱乐部相比,途牛对供应商、产品、服务具有一定的管控能力,并且有完善的售后保障,可以筛选更优质供应商产品为客人服务,给客人带来更多保障。此外,除了常规的自驾产品外,途牛还有丰富的旅游资源打包产品,如当地玩乐等,能全方位满足客人的出行需求。







吴春林所在的俱乐部有500 多位车友,组织的车友自驾活动动辄上百人参加,但前期他们会有专人去一个地方踩点、勘察线路,并且与景区达成合作,以比较低的价格拿到门票。吃饭地点、住宿的地点,也是经过反复考察定下来的,“如果只是开车,从一个地方去另一个地方,直奔景区,就和旅行社在做的没区别了,也不好做。我们还是会经过自己的实地勘察,走一些不寻常的线路。比如,带大家到沿途一些特色又小众的古村落去游览。”




与自驾俱乐部不同,“悟空自驾游”平台的模式,最大的收入还是来源于“ 平台的佣金”,悟空自驾游CMO朱旭告诉记者:“每导流一个订单,我们会从加盟商那里抽一部分的佣金这就是我们最主要的收入。”


Recently, the eight departments, including the State Tourism Administration, the State General Administration of sport and the Ministry of industry and information technology, jointly issued the plan for the development of automobile self driving camp. Insiders pointed out that the introduction of the "planning" for the domestic car driving camp development provides good opportunities and policy guidance. "Planning" mentioned that in 2020 the basic form a rational layout, complete functions, complete the self driving car sports camp system, foster a number of professional degree high car Sporting Club Hotel, launched a number of distinct themes of motor sport route, the growth of a number of influential car sports camp brand chain enterprises.

By the end of 2016, the number of cars in the country was 194 million, with more than 310 million motorists, the Ministry of public security's Traffic Management Bureau showed. According to the China Travel and travel association data, in 2015, the number of domestic self driving tourists reached 2 billion 340 million passengers, and now it is striding forward to the "3 billion passengers" mark.

The self driving tour market in “ &rdquo melee in the feudal lords vying for the throne;

Some self driving circle insiders told reporters that the current 200 km or so “ surrounding self driving tour market ” in the entire self driving tour market occupies an absolute main force. In addition to the weekend driving tour, one of the hot spots in the domestic auto driving market is the vast western area.

However, there is a problem of vehicle supply in the market of self driving driving in the west. Compared with developed areas, the number of self driving vehicles in the west is relatively small, coupled with the mountain environment, the demand for vehicles is very high, generally off-road vehicles to meet the demand. At present, the introduction of more car rental, car experience to solve the problem. In addition, the development in the western region of the auto camp, hotels, restaurants and other service areas, infrastructure lag, high star hotels accounted for a relatively small, ordinary hotel is lack of parking space, many scenic spots do not implement the electronic ticket, no advance booking, have restricted the development of the Western self driving tour.

Some enterprises have also focused their attention on these constraints, hoping to break the bottleneck and gain the first mover advantage of the Western self driving market. Is a typical case, in July of this year, the original car started “ car upgrade for Wukong ” “ &rdquo self driving tour Wukong, claiming to build industry service platform; self driving tour, and landing in western tourism in Yunnan province. At present, the "Wukong drive" project only Yunnan province's total investment plan that reached about 2 billion yuan, and this huge sum of money, a large part of the car is in the supply and offline rental car network layout. Relevant responsible person said, Wukong project in Yunnan self driving tour, is expected to invest about 10 thousand cars, the 16 prefectures in Yunnan Province, 13 airports, train stations, high-speed rail station and transportation hub, hotels, tourist attractions, self driving tour camp and other tourist destinations, and play through the connection point services. Insiders pointed out that Yunnan and other western provinces, has been one of the astepping-stone to success will attract guests as driving the transformation and upgrading of tourism and the development of global tourism, and in recent years to expedite self driving camp construction project.

Beijing News reporter learned that Qinghai, Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Ningxia, Gansu, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and other western tourism market, the majority of self driving, and a potential upgrade, but the car market at present is still a “ &rdquo melee situation of feudal lords vying for the throne. At present, in the domestic car market, has not yet appeared “ a single ” the giants, self driving tour industry lack of real widely recognized industry standard, while the market for game player self driving tour industry profit model is still in the dark.

The product model is so diverse that everyone wants to get a slice of it

At present, there are many types of Western self driving tour, the Beijing News reporter found only in the way cattle travel online self driving tour product is divided into with the team car, self drive, local driving, car rental and other different types of. With the team car, is the guests bring their own cars, or to rent a car, with a delegation to participate in tour guide, or organization, self driving group activities of a certain scale, but the trip is relatively free, pay attention to the service, more high-end, the price is also more expensive; self drive, is only to provide car rental platform + Hotel + other booking service, customer self-service car, free; local driving, refers to the free and big traffic, customers to the destination floor rental car; car rental, generally refers to the whole guest not to open his own car, the whole car rental.

At present, is also a popular &ldquo car car; check + ” and some self driving friends will drive to Xinjiang, Tibet, Gansu, the return of the time do not want to drive, give the vehicle to &ldquo in the local Towing Co; ”, buy a ticket to fly back to Beijing, but the car will be in a week or so after arriving in Beijing. Some riders in Beijing, that is, to find Towing Co, the car will be sent to Chengdu, Chengdu and then mention the car, take the Sichuan Tibet line.

Self driving tour in various ways, self driving tour of “ market player ” more like. Drive car club manager Wu Chunlin Quik Wang estimated that only in the Beijing region is active self driving club, driving the company has hundreds of. Many of the car club, the national chain of large car rental companies, the traditional travel agency, OTA (online travel platform) giant, even the city scattered some car rental companies, AA small in this club as well as Goku travel from a car rental company to upgrade self driving and &ldquo driving service platform; ”, to driving the market in a slice, or actively improve their living space, to win more business opportunities.


The proportion of travel agency products is very small

Wukong driving tour, the relevant person in charge revealed that Wukong driving tour complies with the “ new middle class ” tourism consumption upgrade demands; cross-border integration to build “ car rental + tourism ” model. However, the industry pointed out that the new middle class is only a crowd, car rental tour is just a way of self driving travel. The breakdown of self driving groups reveals that their needs are varied.

Many guests who drive to the West have their own circle of friends. Wu Chunlin said, from Beijing long-distance drive to Tibet, the cost is very high, the beginning of some self drive Club organizers are relatively rich boss, easy to drive with friends. He said, love self driving club to play together with the guests, generally do not travel driving line of the target population, because the travel agencies are generally self driving tour, is actually a big car for “ ” concept, but the schedule is generally fixed, can not change, must according to the itinerary planning to go.

“ car club riders prefer freedom and randomness. Everyone's happy. We'll stay for another day. We'll leave soon if you don't like it. &rdquo, "happy way," says Zhang Jianxing, founder of the club's self driving club. In the West drive travel market, the travel agency to organize the Western self driving tour products accounted for only a very small proportion, independent research and development of self driving products OTA and traditional travel agencies are also very few. Many OTA platforms sell only self - drive products offered by some vendors.

CYTS products Product Manager Liu Chang said that over the past year will launch some scattered self driving tour products, but did not become a series of &rdquo, “ no overall planning. This year, China started planning “ self driving tour products, but is currently involved in ” Western self driving tour routes, including Inner Mongolia, a total of only three. This year, the current development of CTS on-line relates to western car lines only one Inner Mongolia “ Xilinguole Meng &rdquo self driving car travel;.

Online travel agencies competing layout

在西部自驾游市场,汽车俱乐部、各大汽车论坛版主组织的车友会等瓜分了很大一片江湖。然而,途牛旅游网副总裁王树柏认为,在旅游市场持续红火、汽车保有量快速增长、交通基础设施突飞猛进以及国家对自驾旅游消费持越来越积极态度的情况下,自驾游市场进入了前所未有的需求释放期和供给创新期。如何攻占这一片“蓝海”,促进自驾游市场进一步发展,更成为目前在线旅游市场竞争的一大focus所在,对此,途牛也积极进行了布局。为助力西部自驾游的进一步发展,在今年6 月,途牛还与西宁市人民政府共同主办了第二届中国西部自驾游产业发展论坛。

According to the future development trend of self driving tour market, Wang Shubai believes that the car rental + Hotel + ticket free will be the mainstream in addition, BOLN with the opening of the high-speed rail, all over the country, especially in East China by train to Lanzhou will greatly shorten the time, related along the city's hotels, scenic tourists will continue to rise, to provide the greater the possibility of development of Western self driving, the future of the ancient Silk Road car theme is expected to attract more visitors attention.

Ctrip currently on-line self driving tour product mainly is the Sichuan Tibet line, and the northwest Silk Road, Hexi Corridor, Xinjiang link; Southwest Road, Rock Road, Shangri-La road sub luzhou. Ctrip Travel Division, CMO Shi Yu specifically told reporters, Ctrip Travel car travel products on-line platform, has a travel agency supplier, formerly the majority of professional outdoor club.

A small number of products, leading to incomplete service industry chain

In addition, Shi Yu specifically pointed out that the self driving tour products is the main bottleneck of “ ”, self driving quantity for line is too little, if it is free for pure rental +, actually is only free for business. This “ less amount of ” in the background, it reflects such problems as off-site car rental, car inconvenience, and incomplete service chain. Some car rental companies in the industry, mainly engaged in car rental business, not a group or with the group self driving business.

“ from the current point of view, the domestic with the team still remains largely fragmented state of the car, some of the club's product development and service capacity is relatively low, the market is in short supply, the uneven quality of the state. &rdquo, Wang Shubai said, for the industry pain point, the way cattle in October 2014 on the line “ with the team driving ” channel, focusing on improving the guests travel experience. Compared with the club, the way cattle has certain control ability of suppliers, products, services, and a perfect customer service guarantee, better quality products can be selected suppliers for guest service, bring more security to the guests. In addition, in addition to the conventional self drive products, the way cattle are rich in tourism resources packaged products, such as local fun, etc., can fully meet the needs of the guests travel.

This reporter has learned that, at present, in the western region, the high cost of off-site vehicles. Wu Chunlin said, through a number of car rental companies in Chengdu to rent a car, the car in Lhasa, remote car costs accounted for about seven days, car rental costs 60% “ because the car companies need to send someone to the car from Lhasa back to Chengdu, the cost is very high. ”

Pain point

Single profit model, self drive tour product profit margins are compressed

New trend: self driving club is gradually getting rid of the activity pattern

At present, China Auto Club and self driving club mainly have two ways, one is the daily self driving organization. With the rapid development of communication, transportation and service, this means organizing members to participate in simple self driving travel activities, obtaining profits through differential activities, and winning the living space.

Another is through government and enterprise support to do some activities, access to some activities support costs. “ some large car club, often with some of the local tourism bureau, scenic area to engage in some activities, organized dozens of cars, hundreds of cars together to go to these scenic spots, scenic spots and the local government will give the club a feedback or rebate, many clubs by the economic income of survival. ” Zhang Jianxing said, “ in particular, some new scenic spots, more emphasis on self driving groups. ” Wu Chunlin said, sometimes some of the local government to engage in a tourism festival, give some preferential to car club, “ but you have to take your team to participate in the activities of the past, is there a meeting, is often very boring. Generally go to three days, have a half day meeting, this kind of we do not do.

Wu Chunlin's club has more than 500 riders, the riders self driving activity frequently hundreds of people in their early, but there will be someone to a place to check out the location, survey line, and a partnership with the scenic area, a relatively low price to get tickets. Eating places, places to stay, but also after repeated visits to settle down, “ if you just drive from one place to another place, went straight to the scenic area, and travel agency in do not have the difference, is not good to do. We will still go through our own field investigation and take some unusual routes. For example, take you to some of the characteristics of the ancient villages along the way to visit. ”

Now, there are several large car clubs, such as the global car car culture club, and gradually get rid of “ doing activities ” mode, began to have more &ldquo product design; ” awareness of the self driving club in large scale, the formation of the whole country chain pattern.

Weak points: at this stage, self driving products are less profitable

How can China's self driving club make a profit? Car universal self driving car culture (Group) club president Cao Qun pointed out that the self driving tour market occupies an important share of the Chinese Automobile Club and self driving club industry, its weak point is that there is not a very clear sense of products. The form of profit can move from activity to product stage. Self driving crowds are huge, but travel is blind and without integration. So it's time to transition to a new phase. Future self drive travel into services and products, travel in a variety of ways to choose, the price must be lower than their own prices. The formation of such products, to integrate the palm resources, control of resources, cooperation, through winning products, service to the king. &ldquo, the traditional way of organizing activities in the past, and now the product is only generated in line with the needs of self driving crowd, cost-effective, and services in place to survive. ”

Different, and self driving tour &rdquo &ldquo Club; Wukong self driving; the mode of platform, the largest source of income is derived from the &ldquo platform; Commission ” tour CMO Zhu Xu told reporters, Goku drive: “ each guide an order, we will give a portion of the commission from the franchisee there. This is our most the main income. ”

For travel agencies, and other categories of tourism products, self drive products earned service fees, self drive products profit than other travel products will be lower. Liu Chang said, because of the tourism enterprises, the rise of self driving tour products at the beginning, everybody will hold “ low income ” psychological, hope to lower profits, quickly occupied the market, so the profit space will be smaller than the general tourism products.