马拉松赛事拉动旅游经济 成流量新入口

全社通旅游系统 旅游网站建设 发布时间:2017-10-10






The marathon, along with the upstream and downstream sports related industries, is also becoming the gateway to a tourist flow. In September 17th, the 2017 Beijing marathon started at Tiananmen square, and 30 thousand runners from 33 countries and regions came to the competition. This year, North horse again nearly 100 thousand people sign up, less than 30% of the success rate, refresh domestic marathon related records. Insiders said that a large number of Chinese runners participate, formed the scale of millions of “ tourism economy &rdquo marathon, marathon; the effect of polymerization China brand, will not only boost the marathon held in the tourism economy, and will also promote the development of tourism products in the marathon.

Unlike in previous years, as the first stop China Grand Slam marathon, Beijing marathon run means China marathon first Grand Slam season will be kicked off. In August 23rd this year, created by Chinese Athletic Association and organized by Beijing Sports Development Co. Ltd. exclusive operation ring “ Chinese marathon Grand Slam ” the formal establishment of the Beijing marathon will become the first member of the signing events, in addition to the Guangzhou marathon, Chongqing International Marathon and Wuhan marathon have joined. &ldquo: Grand Slam ” able to combine individual events, create a new super brand, and enhance the reputation of the event. The world contains the Boston marathon, New York marathon, Chicago marathon and the London Marathon, Berlin marathon, Tokyo marathon, marathon world grand slam, not only make the runner keen to collect Liumei medal, but also attract a lot of sponsors home.

Some professionals are very bullish on the marathon market, especially the travel market. "2016 China Marathon communication report", said in the Internet communication and “ marathon ” the most closely linked groups are tourists, indicating that marathon and tourism is closely related. Last year by a large OTA platform for marathon competition, spectators tour free line of tourists an increase of 200% over last year, some high-end runners in a year spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to overseas to participate in marathon races, and contestants, family cheer and expand economic effect in the marathon.

In the market demand, there have been a number of travel enterprises involved in marathon tourism products, including many of the marathon alliance city line. According to the Beijing Daily reporter, Kaiser tourism “ global run ” series of products, including the Jinze marathon, marathon trip to Singapore and Tokyo marathon Grand Slam tour, and at the same time to provide free services directly participating in the lottery. In 2015, UTour launched a sub brand of UTS sports, then run to invest in 2016, as the main channel of the marathon push overseas tourism, also set up to run the development of UTS &ldquo + &rdquo marathon; scenic tourism projects.

Expert analysis, the domestic marathon Grand Slam launched, the overall influence will also have a leap in magnitude. The tourism economy will have a greater role in promoting, especially the four place according to the Quartet, the runway is set in the distinct regional characteristics of regional, city to build &ldquo marathon, ” name card; through the packaging and publicity of the alliance, led to further enhance the sports tourism economic city. However, CYTS travel network CEO Xu Xiaolei also pointed out that the marathon can indeed improve the location of events corresponding to the richness of sports tourism products, strengthen the local tourism marketing, but the domestic marathon package also takes time, because the domestic competition participation threshold is relatively low, and foreign runners to Chinese it is also relatively unfamiliar, it can be said that the current Chinese marathon tourism market is not mature.