
全社通旅游系统 旅游网站建设 发布时间:2017-10-10












Spain's recent independent events uproar, regardless of why Catalonia should be independent, only in terms of tourism resources in Catalonia itself, the strength itself is very tough.

Catalonia (Catalunya), an autonomous region of the kingdom of the Spanish monarchy, located in Spain and France at the junction of Catalonia, from the beginning of sixteenth Century, the Duchy was occupied two turns west. After the Spanish Civil War in 1936, Catalonia was officially incorporated into Spain, and even the Thai language was banned.

Barcelona visitors

After 1960, Catalonia, the 32 thousand square kilometers of land into the period of rapid economic development, a large number of native Spanish workers drawn into the work, one of the four provinces under the jurisdiction of Barcelona from soaring, become one of the largest industrial city in europe. After 2000, the European economy began to shrink, and Catalonia took the lead in the transition, and successfully transformed Barcelona into one of the largest tourist cities in the world. It can also be said that Catalonia has been leading all the other Spanish cities from beginning to end.

Barcelona's tourism industry has developed many do not have to say, the territory of Catalonia city almost all “ blessing of God resort of ”.

From Barcelona 35 km away from Sitges, 26 thousand of the population has 17 large beaches, with Film Festival and various Carnival and tourists frenzy and tourists every year in more than 3 million 500 thousand people, one of the Spanish city is Chinese visitors will go to the team.

Gold Coast

中南部地中海沿岸的塔拉戈纳,更是集海滩和山地风光为一体的知名旅游城市,每年大大小小的帆船、自行车和马拉松比赛不下百场,西班牙最著名的Gold Coast也在这里,去过巴塞罗那的游客几乎都会顺路前来塔拉戈纳住上两三天。2017年上半年就接待了近300万游客,创收已超过10亿欧元(约78亿元人民币)。

A small town Wine reus Festival and shopping festival, Spain will be able to attract nearly half of businesses, just three days Wine Festival can reach 200 million euros in turnover, not to mention the thousands of items gathered in the shopping festival.

Girona, Spain and Europe are known as the best preserved medieval towns, hosts over 3000 tour groups of tourists every day (8 hours), is the largest town in Spain daily fees for visitors, the museum is famous for its rich collection and surrealism style.

Then the numerous surrounding the famous town village, Catalonia almost all kinds of tourism theme attractions, let alone in a Spanish, is the whole of Europe, the tourism industry can find the same level of the country is very difficult.